
Some Activities Made to Order for Stepfamilies

The following activities are oriented for stepfamilies.

In Orange County:

- Two ongoing seminars for stepparents deal with such issues as child custody and child development, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. the first Friday of each month and from 9:45 to 11 a.m. the third Friday of each month, at Stepfamily Pacific Counseling, 20902 S. Brookhurst St., Suite 201, Huntington Beach, (714) 964-3030. Reservations are required. Donations are requested but not required.

- A free rap group for stepfamily adults meets the first two Tuesdays of each month, 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the La Palma Community Center, 7821 Walker St., La Palma. Call (714) 739-4383 or (213) 921-4383 for information.

- A free Orange County Stepfamilies Assn. of America chapter meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 17, in Costa Mesa. A television program will be shown and chapter plans discussed. Call (714) 545-7032 for information.


In Los Angles County:

- An ongoing free rap group for stepfamily adults meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of every month at the Redondo Community Center, 2000 Artesia Blvd., Redondo Beach. Donations are requested but not required. Call (213) 659-8221 for information.

- An ongoing free rap group for step-teens is scheduled for the same place, dates and hours. Call (213) 324-3559 for information.

- A stepmothers rap group meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each month, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in Los Angeles. Fees are $3 for association members, $5 for non-members. Call (213) 659-8221 for information.


- The Stepfamilies Assn. of America 1987 state conference will be held Jan. 31 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Westwood United Methodist Church, 10497 Wilshire Blvd., West Los Angeles. It will feature workshops for adults and teen-agers and a talk by “Funny Sauce” author Delia Ephron. For fees and reservation information, call (213) 659-8221.

- For information on Woodland Hills chapter meetings, call Marga Rose, (818) 340-0462; for Pasadena chapter meetings, call Ann Reed, (818) 358-0155; for Pomona chapter meetings, call Betty Yamashira, (714) 626-0163.
