
Local News in Brief : CPA Claim Spurs Debate

Montebello Treasurer Thomas C. Wong’s claim to be a certified public accountant has become a campaign issue as he seeks reelection Tuesday.

Although Wong, 39, has passed the certified public accountant’s exam and met experience and education requirements, he is not scheduled to be considered for licensing by the state Board of Accountancy until Nov. 20 or 21, according to Della Bousquet, the board’s executive officer. It is a misdemeanor violation of the California Business and Professions Code for a person to state that he is a CPA before being licensed, she said.

One of Wong’s opponents, Phillip M. Ramos, first raised the credentials issue.

Wong said Friday that he made a mistake but did not intend to mislead the electorate. Wong, who has been Montebello’s treasurer since 1982, said he has not solicited business as a CPA.
