
AIDS and Gay Bathhouses

The growing movement to virtually close the gay bathhouses appears, at first, to be a logical and sensible attempt to fight the spread of AIDS. Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich, who in my opinion is an insult to humanity, screams “blood money” regarding the owners of these establishments (Metro, Jan. 26).

Further reflection brings back dim memories of Antonovich, Supervisor Pete Schabarum and others of their ilk getting equally hysterical about allegedly graphic AIDS education material being distributed in an attempt to fight the spread of AIDS. Did they not stop some of the material? Did they not withhold funds? Did they not label the material homosexual handbooks?

Yes, something is definitely off kilter here. They want to close the baths to stop the spread of AIDS and “save lives.” But they do not want to distribute educational material and “save lives.” It seems the only thing you can be sure about here is that homophobia is well mixed into their motivations. And human sexuality will continue, regardless of the pressures put upon it or forced changes of location.



Studio City
