
Governor’s Letter

I see that Gov. Deukmejian is still unhappy about your responses to his letter. He would rather spend his efforts “Times bashing” than address the serious needs of the people of California.

From his recent letter, the governor shows that he is out of step with the views of Californians as we enter the 1990s. He is convinced that if he mentions the buzzwords “higher taxes and more spending,” the middle class people will react in self-interest. He does not see that the rhetoric of 15 years ago is no longer valid today. Many people demand services from government in health, education and transportation. They do no want state leaders who hold one program hostage at the expense of another. They are aware that the budget is not a matter of “either-or” but of equally applying funds.

Deukmejian has been bypassed by his own party. As a future former governor, he should listen to our new President and work for a “kinder, gentler” California.



