
Countywide : Caltrans Announces Closures of Roads

Caltrans officials announced several road closures that will affect the Costa Mesa and Santa Ana freeways beginning today:

The McFadden Avenue overcrossing of the Costa Mesa Freeway will be closed in both directions from 10 p.m. today to 6 a.m. Saturday for bridge work related to the widening of the freeway. (Officials said they expect the McFadden off-ramp from the northbound Costa Mesa Freeway and the Edinger Avenue on-ramp to the northbound freeway to reopen to traffic at 5 a.m. Tuesday.)

The No. 3 lane on the southbound Santa Ana Freeway between the Garden Grove and Costa Mesa freeways will be closed in the southbound direction from 11 p.m. Sunday to 5 a.m. Wednesday for soil testing.


The No. 3 lane on the northbound Santa Ana Freeway between the Garden Grove and Costa Mesa freeways will be closed from 11 p.m. Wednesday, to 5 a.m. next Friday, and again from 11 p.m. April 30 to 5 a.m. May 5, for soil testing.

The northbound Costa Mesa Freeway between Edinger Avenue and the Santa Ana Freeway will be closed from 9 p.m. May 1 to 5 a.m. May 2 for work toward removing the old McFadden bridge.

The southbound Costa Mesa Freeway between the Santa Ana Freeway and Edinger Avenue will be closed from 9 p.m. May 2 to 5 a.m. May 3 for removal of the McFadden bridge.
