
Fuss Over Ethics and Officeholders

The front page of The Times (April 13) was a real lulu. Three separate stories dealing with the strange topic of “ethics.” One on Speaker Jim Wright (D-Texas) and his problems with the House of Representatives. Another one describes our noble Mayor Tom Bradley deciding at this late date to divest himself from the savings and loan with its sizable contributions to his pocket. And lastly, our noble President Bush deciding on a list of “ethics” for the national government.

Why all the current fuss about ethics?

We all know about man’s inherent crookedness--the sleaze that infects all levels of government--why kid ourselves? Everyone is out to get what he can--by hook or crook or subterfuge. No one is going to change our inherent natures, from cheating on our taxes to lining our pockets anyway possible.

You want names? How about former Atty. Gen. Ed Meese, (former White House aides) Michael Deaver and Lyn Nofziger and all members of Congress with their hypocritical honorariums?


Face the facts--we’ve always had it and no doubt always will.


North Hollywood
