
Thornburgh: L.A. Not Slighted in Drug War

U.S. Atty. Gen. Dick Thornburgh denied Monday that Los Angeles is being shortchanged on federal funds and resources to fight violent street gangs and drug trafficking.

“Do you have enough? No. Will you ever have enough? Never,” Thornburgh said.

He was in the city to be briefed on the Los Angeles Gang Drug Task Force, a multiagency group organized six months ago to target major drug distributors affiliated with street gangs.

“Los Angeles right now is distributing more than half of the nation’s cocaine,” said U.S. Atty. Robert Bonner, who described gangs as responsible for distributing crack or rock cocaine to 47 cities outside Los Angeles and as the prime suppliers to the Washington, D.C., area.


Thornburgh recently chose the nation’s capital for a test project in which federal law enforcement will focus efforts there to curb a rampant drug problem. At a news conference, Thornburgh was asked why Los Angeles wasn’t chosen for the experiment if it is the nation’s major drug center.

“The problem is not confined to Los Angeles. I assure you it is a major priority,” he said, noting that 24 prosecutors had been added to the U.S. attorney’s office here.
