
New Pay Rate for County Election Aides

At the Sept. 12 County Board of Supervisors meeting, an increased rate of pay for election precinct board members was on the consent calendar. Are you ready for this? For the inspectors a $10 increase to $50, and for judges and clerks a $5 increase to $40. That is not even minimum wage. Supervisor Roger R. Stanton stated they (the supervisors) were in hopes this would be an incentive to recruit more workers for the polls on election days. That is not an incentive, it’s a deterrent!

On election day, workers put in at least 15 hours, plus the inspector is responsible for the materials, setting up the polling place and returning the supplies at day’s end.

It was just a few months ago that the supervisors arrogantly voted themselves a large pay increase and they think this small increase is justified?


Why wasn’t this item made public so the poll workers could attend and have input into the matter before it was a consent calendar item?

How do they expect to get competent workers at that pay rate?


Santa Ana
