
A Tax Increase for Orange County’s Schools

Although I was not one of those polled, I, too, would support a tax hike that would directly benefit the schools here in Orange County.

Since the passage of Proposition 13, I have watched the school districts struggle to provide outstanding instruction with less than adequate funds. Throughout the county, dedicated teachers continue to find creative ways to supply a wide variety of enrichment activities in and out of the classroom that the government simply cannot fund.

A tax increase was opposed by a majority of residents 55 and older, with a 64-year-old woman acting as (spokeswoman): “Most kids, when they get through school, can’t even spell or add or write their names.”


This quote simply isn’t supported by the facts. For the past several years, Orange County achievement tests scores have been slowly and steadily climbing, despite the increasing influx of non-English-speaking students. To bring children with few or no communication skills in their native language to acceptable levels of competence in written and spoken English is an outstanding accomplishment.

I would suggest anyone who “can’t see spending more money on something that’s not working,” to sign up for a few of the classes our high school students are required to take for graduation. The academic challenge might prove stimulating.

There is still plenty of room for improvement in education. However, if we are to keep well-qualified instructors in the classroom, we need to provide the worthwhile salaries and facilities that will enable them to do their jobs.



Santa Ana
