
Sheldon, Dannemeyer and Gay Pride Festival

I am appalled at the usage of AIDS as a tool to communicate a bigoted, closed-minded opinion. The Rev. Louis P. Sheldon and his Traditional Values Coalition have gone too far.

One of the picket signs on display read “AIDS Kills!” This is true, meaning that we should all be afraid of the Traditional Values Coalition. At least AIDS doesn’t discriminate against homosexuals.

Among other tactics used by the Traditional Values Coalition: a 15-year-old cheerleader chanting bad AIDS jokes. Another picket sign read, “God Is Judge.” If this is true, then who are they to appoint themselves as prosecutor (persecutor?) and jury?


They even went so far as to mail explicit gay magazines to Santa Ana City Council members’ homes. Isn’t using the mail to distribute pornography a felony, or does this law not apply if you are using the pornography to fan the bonfires of a right-wing, religious hate group? If they aren’t sent to jail on felony charges, then Sheldon’s gang of Bible-thumpers should be sent to jail for arrogance and stupidity.


