
Sheldon, Dannemeyer and Gay Pride Festival

Recently there have been many letters and articles concerning the homosexuals and their festival in Santa Ana. The letters from homosexuals and their so-called “broad-minded’ sympathizers all seem to say that anyone who disagrees with them is ignorant and biased.

I wonder who really are the ignorant ones. For instance:

Is it ignorant to point out that there is no proof that homosexuals are born that way?

Is it ignorant to prove that many homosexuals have changed and become heterosexuals?

Is it ignorant to refuse to accept a filthy style of life, and is it biased to publicly condemn that way of life?

Is it ignorant to condemn a style of life that spreads AIDS?

Is it ignorant to point out that the Constitution and Bill of Rights do not give homosexuals any special rights and privileges, as some homosexuals seem to believe?


Is it ignorant to suggest to the homosexuals that no one cares what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms? In other words--shut up and they wouldn’t have any troubles or any bias displayed toward them.

I agree with Rep. William E. Dannemeyer’s (R-Fullerton) efforts completely. More power to him and to any politician with guts enough and moral backbone who sides with him.


