
Batting Cage

For shame, Fountain Valley city fathers! Where are your priorities? It seems almost a miracle in this day of drugs, homeless and hungry people and latchkey kids that William Hudson takes enough interest and spends enough money and time to help children enjoy the pleasures of sports during their important childhood by building a batting cage in his yard.

If you’re worried about the aesthetic values of such a project, look at the beauty and strength of healthy young athletes who choose sports as an outlet for their creative energy! Look at the vitality and the well-balanced lives that are built by interest in athletics. Don’t penalize the parents and kids who try to build a healthy future.

Congratulations, Hudsons! You deserve a medal instead of an injunction, and there are numbers of us who believe in you and your project. We hope you bat 1.000 with that overzealous City Council.




Santa Ana
