
End of Nature Report Is Eco Mumbo-Jumbo

“The End of Nature” (by Bill McKibbin, Nov. 19, 23, 24 and 26) is pure, 100% natural horse manure. There. Have I pulled any punches?

All this ecological mumbo-jumbo is based on nothing more than sloppy scientific investigation by people who care nothing for science and have a political agenda to impose on the rest of us.

What they want is a fascist state in which they will be the rulers and be able to dictate to us what is good for us. It’s the same old socialism parading as do-gooder environmentalism this time.


Real scientists are a careful, cautious lot who wait for overwhelming evidence before they accept any new theory. You don’t see them rushing about screaming, “The sky is really falling this time! Honest!”

As certain leftist scientists are never tired of pointing out, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. So far, I haven’t seen such a proof.

