
German Unification and World Peace

Henry Kissinger (Opinion, Feb. 4) continues to write articles for the media, and thereby continues to destroy his once great reputation. This by trying to project the adversarial geopolitical power strategies of the past--of which he knows a great deal--into a future of which he apparently knows very little.

Writing in The Times he attempts to analyze, discuss and suggest ways of dealing with future balances of power. A reunified Germany, he believes may, in a few years, repeat its historic mistake of attempting to “achieve its own independent security, an enterprise that twice in this century produced global catastrophe.”

This obsession with military force and adversarial relationships has no relevance for the future. The world has become a very interdependent place and its dynamics are forcing a 180-degree turn away from those adversarial activities to more cooperative relationships under international law. All of our major problems are now global in scope and cannot be solved in any other way. “National security” must give way to “mutual security.”



