
CD Packaging and the Environment: A Modest Proposal

In response to the April 15 Pop Eye column on compact-disc packaging as an environmental danger and to subsequent letters:

The record companies should throw out the oversize cardboard container, retain the jewel box with its (small) inside art and include coupons that customers can send in if they wish to obtain posters or record-album-size artwork or lyric sheets by mail.

In the stores, have the CDs in jewel boxes on a shelf or, if security is a concern, behind the counter. Out in the customer showroom, display 12-inch-by-12-inch facsimiles of the CD cover art. (The larger artwork is important to retailers because CD- and cassette-size art does not promote browsing or impulse buying.)


I’ve written record companies about this, but no one has responded. My proposal is easy to implement, and it helps a cause in which we all should participate--restoring our environment.


Redondo Beach
