
Get Rid of Gallegly

Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) has been talking out of both sides of his mouth for years:

1. He claims to be an environmentalist, yet he co-sponsored a bill to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas exploration and supports increased offshore drilling off the California coastline.

2. He claims to be a friend to senior citizens, yet he voted to lower funding for the Older Americans Act.


3. He claims his only opposition to abortion is that he opposes paying for the procedure with federal funds, yet he supported a constitutional ban on abortion.

4. He claims to be a staunch supporter of law and order, yet he voted against a raise in overtime pay for federal law enforcement officials.

And now, through recently released FBI documents, we find out that he lied about the conduct of FBI agents, manipulated the FBI into conducting an unnecessary investigation and lied several times to the public at large--all to benefit his campaign for reelection.


How long will the 21st District be fooled by this paranoid liar wearing the “Teflon suit”? If they think he is qualified to be our representative in Washington, well, I have some prime real estate for sale in the Florida swamplands.


Simi Valley
