
Previewing Material

Is this representation? We elect public officials to school boards in the hopes that our wishes and desires for good education will be reflected in their actions and policies.

It’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that we’ve simply inaugurated a dynasty of bureaucrats who manage very well to keep the average district parent out in the cold.

The Newport-Mesa School Board is throwing parents a bone in its recent announcement of the “parents day” review of the history/social sciences continuum. This series is one of the most broad-based (curricular) packages to hit the district in years, and the percentage of parents allowed to preview it is almost criminal.


A school of less than 600 students will be allowed one parent for preview of materials. If you’re generous enough to say that each parent has an average 1.5 students attending, that adjusts the parent constituency to 400. A single delegate for 400 parents equates to a representation of 1/4 of 1%. That’s a rather lean bone.

With texts ordered, schedules and curriculum planned and educators geared up and ready, who will be listening to parents’ views anyway?

Visualize, if you will, what chances a parent might have in recommending changes or constructive criticism. It would be something like trying to flag down the Super Chief with a candle.



Newport Beach
