
SIMI VALLEY : Bingo Fund-Raisers Limited to 1 a Week

The Institute of Equestrian Therapy will be limited to one bingo game a week to raise funds, the Simi Valley City Council decided Tuesday.

The organization, which offers therapeutic horseback riding for the physically and mentally handicapped, operated bingo games on Friday and Saturday nights at 4241 Valley Fair. They will continue to hold games on Friday.

The bingo games are the only source of revenue for the $17,000 monthly operation, said Jacques Fouchaux, institute director.


The city adopted an ordinance in February, 1989, to limit the number of bingo games held by charitable organizations so one would not gain a monopoly, Assistant City Manager Brian Gabler said.

The law originally was to become effective in March, 1989, but the City Council delayed implementing it to allow the institute to find other funding sources.

“I’m very disappointed, although I have to accept the decision, but now our income is cut in half and expenses are still the same,” Fouchaux said.


Ten years ago, the state subsidized much of the institute’s operation, but now it gets no state funding.

The group began bingo games six years ago.

Gabler said the organization had ample time to find other funding sources.
