
Cuba Adopts Stern Fuel-Energy Controls

From Reuters

Cuba, citing a nearly 2-million-ton shortfall in Soviet oil shipments and a surge in world oil prices due to the Persian Gulf crisis, today announced drastic nationwide fuel restrictions and energy-saving measures.

In a package of cuts published by the official newspaper Granma, the Communist government halted the start-up of a new oil refinery built with Soviet aid and said it will stop production at one of the country’s three operating nickel plants.

The measures were the harshest so far introduced to offset growing disruption to the island’s economic lifeline from the Soviet Union, its main political ally and trading partner.


Granma said the country is moving toward a “special period in time of peace”--the government’s term to describe a siege economy situation.

“We have to be prepared for this,” the newspaper said.

It even called on Cuban farmers to increase the use of draft animals instead of vehicles to pull carts and plows.

Daily distribution of diesel fuel and gasoline to state companies was be restricted immediately. Gasoline distributed to the state sector through coupons will be cut 50% for the rest of the year, the statement said.


Gasoline supplies to private vehicles will be reduced 30% beginning in October.

Granma said industries, farms and the public must reduce electricity consumption as much as possible.

It called on each Cuban family to cut back its monthly electricity consumption by 10%. If this target is not achieved, the authorities will be forced to introduce one day each week in which electricity would be shut off at peak hours.

Otherwise, families who exceeded set limits could have their electricity cut off for as long as 30 days.


Granma said even more energy-saving measures may be necessary if oil shipments from the Soviet Union continue to fall behind because of economic problems there.
