
PLATFORM : A Martyr in the Struggle for Equal Opportunity

</i> (Ruben Salazar) stands for a lot. He has helped us realize that self-determination is a long way away

Make him bigger than life. Make him King Kong. Because the bigger (he is), the more the powers that be (will be) forced to see the conditions of (Mexican-Americans.) Even our own immigrant population doesn’t know the struggles we’ve had to go through. (They) don’t realize that we’ve had to struggle like hell and that people died, Ruben died, a couple of others died, in the struggle for equal opportunity.

It’s important that they know that it’s been a struggle and that they’ve got to pick up the torch. Every time he’s honored, it makes the majority community see the problems in our community--the lack of self-determination and political equality. He forces the community to see we exist. Sometimes they want to believe we’re subliminal. Ruben forces people to see us in our plight and forces people to see their own attitudes toward (Mexican-Americans).
