
FILLMORE : Crackdown Likely on Water Waste

Although Fillmore is not experiencing a water shortage, the city is likely to take action against citizens who waste water.

At a meeting tonight, the Fillmore City Council is expected to adopt rules that will prohibit wasting water and allow fines against offenders. If the council approves the new regulations, they will become effective immediately, city officials said.

Practices such as irrigating landscaping until water runs into the street or allowing water pipes to leak for more than 48 hours would be prohibited. The new ruling also would make it illegal to use water for cleaning driveways, sidewalks and parking lots, unless necessary for health or safety.


First-time violators would receive a warning. Repeat offenders would pay a fine of $25 or 25% of their most recent water bill, whichever is greater. Penalties increase for residents who continue to waste water. The city could reduce the amount of water provided to the customer or cut off service completely.

“There are just common-sense rules, whether there is a drought or not,” City Manager Roy Payne said. He said city staff members are preparing guidelines for voluntary water conservation, and for mandatory cutbacks in case the drought continues and Fillmore does experience a shortage.

The city obtains its water from local wells, which are being replenished by Lake Piru and discharge from Los Angeles County.
