
Redevelopment Housing Funds

The Times’ editorial (“First Priority: Blight-Busting,” Feb. 17) is off the mark in writing that “some communities” misuse Community Redevelopment Agency funds. It’s more likely that the majority of cities fail to comply with the law by not providing affordable housing with CRA funds.

I am a former elected official and redevelopment agency director. A study was made by my office of 26 San Gabriel Valley cities. Two cities complied with California state law while others ignored and side-stepped the law requiring affordable housing implementation.

The Times could do a public service by delegating a team of investigative reporters to research and examine the financial records of Community Redevelopment Agencies. Where did the $3.5 billion collected in CRA tax increments go?


It’s time that the Los Angeles Grand Jury investigate the misuse and abuse of the public funds by CRAs and their managers.

AB 315 (sponsored by Assemblyman Terry Friedman) requiring a 40% set aside for housing is a good bill and deserves support.


South Pasadena
