
Gun Tragedy in Sacramento

In the recent hostage incident in Sacramento, three male Vietnamese youths brought an end to the lives of three innocent victims. By choosing to engage in violence, the three youths ended their own lives, but more important, they brought the end to three people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

While the above incident is a sign of increasing violence in our society, the article concerning the sadness of the families of the perpetrators is a sign of misguided journalism (“Priest Calls Youths in Store Siege Obedient,” Part A, April 7). It’s really disgusting to see The Times give all the print to a group of killers. As is often asked, what about the innocent victims? Where is the concern for the families who are forced to deal with their losses? Where are the stories telling us about their dreams that have been tragically ended at the hands of a group of deranged idiots?

It’s bad enough you choose to focus your attention on the criminals’ side, but for the criminals’ family to place the blame for their actions on America is just too much. These Vietnamese families came to this country for a better life. Great, but I guess no one told them they might have to adapt to another culture where you are responsible for yourself.



