
ORANGE : Cleanup Scheduled at Santiago Creek

The Santiago Creek Greenway Alliance will commemorate Earth Day with a “neighborhood creek cleanup” on Saturday in Hart Park.

The cleanup is the first in a series of events planned to revitalize the 30-acre site of the former Santiago Golf Course, which organizers want to preserve as open space.

Alliance members hope it will be one link in a string of parks on Santiago Creek, eventually forming a “greenway” from Santa Ana to Irvine Lake.


Last year, alliance members helped defeat a plan to develop 160 homes and a commercial strip on the site near downtown. Plans for a 100-home community are now in the works.

“Urban creeks seem to get more than their share of trash, and Santiago Creek is no exception,” said Howard DeCruyenaere, alliance president. “Over the years, everything from paper and Styrofoam to old tires, shopping carts, concrete, hubcaps and even hair dryers have collected in our creek. It’s time for us to show some respect to the living resource of Santiago Creek.”

Saturday’s cleanup in Hart Park will begin at 9 a.m. A free barbecue picnic for all volunteers will follow.
