
Beverly Hills : $76-Million Budget OKd

The City Council on Tuesday gave final approval to a $76-million budget that includes a number of spending cuts and revenue increases but allows the city to stave off tax increases.

Faced with an $11-million shortfall, city officials cut $9 million from the proposed 1991-92 budget before opting to impose a new garbage fee and implement other savings proposals to balance the budget.

“I’m very pleased,” said Mayor Vicki Reynolds. “We really held the line and went to the community in a minimal way, and we did it without raising taxes.”


The last-minute budget adjustments were made in response to public outcry over earlier proposals that significant spending cuts be made in the city’s venerated Police and Fire departments.

Council members said they may still be forced to lay off about 10 employees, and more than 50 positions are being left unfilled. A salary freeze for city employees will remain in effect indefinitely.
