
The Budget: Impact on L.A. County

The new state budget will have a major impact in Los Angeles County on an array of services. Here is a selected summary: LOS ANGELES COUNTY GOVERNMENT Assumes responsibility for $730 million in state programs, boosting the proposed county budget to $11.8 billion. Will operate all local mental health, indigent health and a larger share of in-home supportive services, and have responsibility over foster care and children’s services. Loses its authority to levy fees on school districts, costing the county treasury $19.6 million. Gains authority to ask voters for an additional half-cent increase in the sales tax, which would raise $400 million for the construction and operation of jails. LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT State budget cuts will force a reduction of its 1991-92 budget by $241 million--cutting employee pay, campus services and administrative costs. Last year’s state budget cuts caused the district to start this year more than $80 million in the red. Another $110 million had to be cut when the state did not fund the district’s annual cost-of-living allowance. THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES Will lose half of revenues from city’s fines and forfeitures, which the state will use to help fund the trial courts. Will lose $2 million in state money that would otherwise go to the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Agency. Will gain $12 million in additional revenues from the extension of the sales tax to jet fuel, candy and newspapers. The Legislature has sent to the governor a funding plan for the trial courts that will probably cost the city about $5 million in lost cigarette tax revenues.
