
More on ‘Cop Killer’

Those of us in the arts should support the boycott of Time Warner Inc. initiated by the Combined Law Enforcement Assn. of Texas (“Texas Police Call for Boycott of Time Warner,” June 12). We should do so first because the cause is just and, second, because taking a strong stand against irresponsible expression is in our own interest.

The cause is just because Ice-T’s song, “Cop Killer,” portrays violence as a justifiable response to social ills. The sanctioning of violence is not morally acceptable, and we should not be squeamish about saying so.

What counts are actions, and Time Warner has not stopped distributing, promoting or profiting from the record. Nor have company officials apologized to the law-enforcement community. Worst, Time Warner is trying to cloak its meretricious actions in the hallowed parchment of the First Amendment. Ice-T is not constitutionally guaranteed a recording contract.



