
NHL Shouldn’t Return to Days of Cavemen

What cave has C.P. Bennett (Viewpoint, June 28) been living in? Does he think that if the NHL lets thugs bludgeon the game’s stars every game that the major networks are going to be rushing to offer the league a big television contract?

Does any other sport with a network contract allow fighting to be part of the normal activity during a game? No. Those sports eject anyone who is involved in altercations. Would anybody want to watch Michael Jordan get punched out every week? If the networks wanted nonstop fighting, professional wrestling would have a network contract.

Mr. Bennett also wants to ban helmets so players are more recognizable. I guess the NFL should ban all helmets and pads and baseball catchers should not be allowed to wear masks. That would increase the chances of blood-spewing injuries that Mr. Bennett thinks the networks desire.



San Pedro
