
VENTURA : Golf Fees Reduced to Atone for Work

Officials said they are reducing the fees at Buenaventura Golf Course beginning Monday while the irrigation system is being renovated.

“We’re reducing the rates to ease the pain,” said Mark Wipf, head golf professional at the 18-hole facility off Olivas Park Drive.

General fees will be reduced from $14 to $12, and seniors and junior fees will be reduced by $1, Wipf said. Renovation of the irrigation system is scheduled to begin early this month, officials said. The lower fees will be in place until early April, when the renovation is expected to be finished.


The system is outdated and should have been replaced long ago, Wipf said. The present irrigation system sometimes over-waters or under-waters the course, he said. The project will cost about $418,000 and is being funded entirely by revenues generated by the golf course.

“We’re anticipating a very smooth construction,” Wipf said. “They might close a hole or two, and we’ll put temporary greens out and people will play around the construction.”

Wipf said about 90,000 people play at the golf course each year. The course is owned and operated by the city.
