
NEWPORT BEACH : Committee Proposed to Get Business Input

A committee of business people, merchants and realtors has been proposed to advise the city on municipal services and spending, according to Mayor Clarence J. Turner.

“We’ve got a committee to cater to just about everyone except the business people,” Turner said. “I want the business community to become a closer liaison with City Hall.”

The Economic Development Committee that Turner has proposed will consist of representatives from the Newport Harbor area and Corona del Mar chambers of commerce, a representative from the Newport-Mesa Assn. of Realtors and a couple of City Council members, as well as some other business owners.


“The committee will review the city’s budget and advise us as to how we can better serve the business community,” Turner said.

“We’re thrilled,” said Rose Carey, spokeswoman for the Newport-Mesa Assn. of Realtors, of the new committee. “I think it’s a perfect opportunity for us to offer input. It’ll help us maintain an awareness of what’s going on in the city.”
