
VENTURA : ‘Pack-Rat’ May Be Cleared of Charges

Ray Mahala, the self-proclaimed leader of Ventura’s river bottom population before the recent floods, will very likely be cleared today of misdemeanor charges in connection with the theft of 67 compact discs and $60 in cash, authorities said Wednesday.

Mahala, better known as Pack-Rat, was arrested in November after the owner of an Ojai music store identified Mahala as the man who tried to sell him 61 stolen compact discs on Sept. 1.

Last week, however, the same store owner contacted police to say he had been mistaken. Sal Lucido, the owner of Blue Sky Music, said he realized his error when the man who brought in the stolen compact discs returned to sell more.


“I thought it was actually Pack-Rat,” Lucido said. “I had to take a good look.”

Lucido said he believes the man had acquired the discs from someone else without knowing they were stolen.

“That’s the vibe I got,” Lucido said.

Deputy Dist. Atty. John Cardoza said the case is still under investigation, but that the charges against Mahala are expected to be dropped today.

“It is our understanding that someone else actually did this,” Cardoza said. “From all appearances it looks like it was the wrong person identified by the victim.”


Lucido had identified Mahala after seeing his picture in a newspaper in November next to an article detailing Mahala’s move from the riverbed into the home of a Ventura couple.

Mahala has maintained his innocence since the arrest.

According to police, the compact discs and cash were stolen Aug. 31 from the Advanced Rubber Stamp Co. on Front Street.
