
Killer’s Life of Peace on Death Row

Why on earth is Mark Scott Thornton, convicted and confessed killer of Kellie O’Sullivan, going to be allowed to file an appeal of his death sentence? If the death sentence was his victory, as he said in your March 23 article, why should taxpayers be put to any more expense on his account?

It was infuriating to read of him so smugly speaking about his anticipated stay on San Quentin’s Death Row, where he said he could “live in peace.” Do you think he has ever once thought about actually being executed? Of course not. Even at the mere age of 20, Thornton has little if any chance of execution before he drops dead from old age.

There is no question of his guilt; we aren’t left wondering if we’ve somehow prosecuted the wrong man. Let’s not insult the memory of poor Kellie O’Sullivan by sending her killer to a life of “peace” on San Quentin’s Death Row.



