
Paved With Good Intentions : Roadwork: Two projects along 2 1/2 miles of Winnetka Avenue are giving motorists a bumpy ride.


If you’re trying to get to the Ventura Freeway from the west San Fernando Valley, you may want to avoid Winnetka Avenue for the next several months.

Long stretches of the southern half of the thoroughfare are being repaired in two public works projects--one being done by the city, the other by the county--that together will keep motorists shuddering in their cars until March.

The county Public Works Department is laying new storm-water drainage pipes along Winnetka Avenue from the Los Angeles River to Oxnard Street in Woodland Hills, in a project that started Sept. 5 and is scheduled to end in March.


At the same time, the city is repaving the avenue between Roscoe Boulevard and Sherman Way in Canoga Park. The resurfacing project is scheduled to end Nov. 10.

In tandem, the two projects have squeezed traffic and made for bumpy rides along 2 1/2 miles of a major north-south artery.

And there will probably be further bumps along Winnetka Avenue sometime in the latter half of next year or early 1997, when the city begins resurfacing roughly the same area now occupied by county crews, from Victory Boulevard to the Ventura Freeway, said Gregory L. Scott, an assistant director with the city Bureau of Street Maintenance.


Actually, because of a mix-up in communication between city and county agencies, that city repaving project was to begin last week, at the same time the county was already working that stretch of road. But after a city inspector noticed marks made on the street by the county’s contractor, and after a Times article last week on the city project, the two agencies realized the overlap in timing on the two projects.

Scott said the city decided to delay resurfacing the lower portion of Winnetka Avenue until some time in the 1996-97 fiscal year. Resurfacing between Roscoe Boulevard and Sherman Way will be completed as planned, Scott said.

As a result of the county storm-pipe project, traffic will be restricted, at worst, to one lane in each direction during construction days, down from two lanes.


Oxnard Street will also be dug up from Winnetka Avenue to Oso Avenue, said John Schiller, general manager of Steve Bubalo Construction Co., which is doing the work.

The purpose of the county project--in which pipes will divert water from city streets to the Los Angeles River--is to prevent flooding in the area during heavy rains.
