
CAMPAIGN ’96 : POLL WATCH : Forbes Pulling Ahead?

The latest poll of likely New Hampshire primary voters shows magazine publisher Steve Forbes jumping ahead of Sen. Bob Dole. The poll was conducted Jan. 29 and 30 by KRC Research for the Boston Globe and WBZ-TV.


Jan 29-30 Jan 7-10 Forbes 31% 17% Dole 22% 33%



Analysis: Another New Hampshire poll continues to show Dole ahead, but dropping. Which is correct? The answer depends on how many independents show up to vote in the Feb. 20 primary. Forbes does better among independents than among registered Republicans. Among the people surveyed by KRC, 27% were independents. The poll showing Dole ahead included fewer. In the 1992 primary, independents made up about 26% of the GOP turnout.

Source: Boston Globe / WBZ
