
An operator who’s no Mel Gibson fan:Liz...

An operator who’s no Mel Gibson fan:

Liz Hodgson, a British correspondent who lives in Woodland Hills, reports that her husband, Ian Markham-Smith, had the following conversation with an AT&T; operator:

Ian: “Hello, operator, I’d like to make a collect call to Sydney, Australia, please.”

Operator: “Do they speak English in Australia?”

Ian: “Yes.”

Operator: “Are you sure?”

Ian: “Yes, but not the kind of English you do--they speak Oz [slang for Australian].”

Operator: “Whatever . . . “

LIGHTS! CAMERA! TRASH BAGS! Some of the volunteer coordinators at the Thanksgiving Day meal for the homeless in Santa Monica were from the entertainment industry, and they lent a Hollywood flair to the event. Writer Hank Rosenfeld noticed that when it came time to begin the massive cleanup--after 3,000 free meals and 1,000 free haircuts--the coordinators issued this cry to the volunteer workers:


“I asked them about it afterward,” Rosenfeld said, “and they seemed to think ‘clean up’ was too demeaning of a term. No glory. No one would hustle. But ‘post-production’--it’s like, ‘Hey, we’re working on a show!’ ”


DROOLING SINGLES: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals played on some familiar L.A. themes in a new campaign advertising the availability of dogs for adoption (see photos).

WE DIDN’T MEAN TO RUSH THEM: The other day, we mistakenly said that Orange County was formed in 1871. Actually, the year that our neighbors to the south broke off from L.A. County was 1889. Taking a quick remedial course on Southern California history, we came up with these tidbits about the split:

* Before its founding, Orange County was known as Santa Ana Valley. And these Valleyites, contending that they were being ignored by the powers that be in L.A. County, pushed for independence for two decades before succeeding (take heart, San Fernando Valley).


* “Division” rather than “secession” was used by separatists, who were afraid the latter term would evoke memories of the Civil War.

* Voters in the city of Santa Ana approved the idea of a new county by 1,118 to 5.

* More fiscally conservative in those pre-bankruptcy times, Orange County used donated rooms and did not spend money on office furniture during its first few months. However, the county did purchase an expensive 1 1/2-ton safe for the first treasurer.

* “Orange County” was a compromise between proponents of “Anaheim County” and “Santa Ana County.” Santa Ana was awarded the county seat. Anaheim got Disneyland. OK, that was later.


WE HATE THOSE PREDICTABLE PLOTS: Actor Phil Proctor wanted us to know that “Sweet Hostage,” playing at the Evidence Room in Culver City, is described as “a comedy about two porno stars who meet during an all-night hot-tub party/home invasion . . . “


Have you heard those radio commercials touting the “exploding ostrich industry”? A friend of ours says that exploding ostriches conjure up one thing to him--a “really exotic variety of ground round.”
