
Disney to Release Dalai Lama Film

Richard Rodriguez’s attack on Disney for doing the right thing is truly astounding (Opinion, Dec. 1). It is doubtless true that Disney executives are probably the most arrogant, tough and ethically challenged individuals in Hollywood. Nevertheless, without Disney the American entertainment industry and perhaps the culture of the U.S. itself would surely be in even direr straits. They, practically alone, produce entertainment that is palatable for the family with values (usually) that society can be proud of. They do come closest to Bill Bennett’s notion of an ethical society, even though they may stumble now and then.

To criticize them for making the correct decision regarding the Dalai Lama movie and China says more about Rodriguez than Disney. He should save his ire for all the other film corporations that spend no time whatsoever trying to produce positive and entertaining fare for the world’s families.



* Disney’s tepid response to China’s attempt at derailing the Tibetan freedom train has destroyed what little confidence the American people have in Disney as an institution. Clearly, Disney is more interested in profit than human rights or educating the world about oppression. This a clear example of a corporation failing miserably at being an attentive world citizen. It brutally illustrates the dastardly triumph of dollar values over people values.



