
A Piercing Reaction in Defense of Zito

Fernando Dominguez’s column “Spring Break Greetings” with regards to his reference to Barry Zito was unnecessarily derogatory, mean spirited and in poor taste. If it was meant to be funny, it wasn’t. It was inaccurate in its depiction of Barry Zito and his relationship with the Pierce College baseball team.

My son has the pleasure of playing with Barry for Pierce. He has told me that Barry is the “perfect teammate”--always working hard, supporting, helping and sacrificing for the good of his team. My son says he is proud to be Barry’s teammate, not only because Barry is a great pitcher, but because he is a fine young man. I have watched Barry play baseball, and he plays with respect for the game, respect for his teammates, coaches and opponents. The support he receives from his father should be envied, not demeaned.

We need more players and young men like Barry Zito and fewer writers like Dominguez sarcastically expressing misguided jealousies and erroneous observations.



