
Groundbreaking for Off-Leash Dog Park to Cap 10-Year Effort

A groundbreaking ceremony to create the first off-leash dog park in West Los Angeles will be held Saturday, concluding a 10-year effort by canine lovers to create a “free play” area for their pets.

The park will consist of a fenced two-acre plot on the east side of Westminster Park that will be split into two areas to separate big and small dogs. It will be open from sunrise to sunset.

The project, which was funded by $20,000 in developers fees and by $15,000 from a private donor, will be finished by the beginning of August, officials said.


“We’re very excited. It’s been a long road,” said Daryl Barnett, whose pet owners group obtained more than 3,000 signatures asking for more off-leash areas in Los Angeles. There are an estimated 750,000 dogs in the city but only three legal off-leash areas, she said.
