
Impeachment Vote Headline

* Re “Gallegly Toes Party Line in Panel’s Impeachment Vote,” Oct. 6.

I cannot help but be angered by your less-than-nonpartisan headline addressing the issue of Rep. Elton Gallegly’s position on the House Judiciary Committee. Even in a headline, you cannot seem to just simply print the news, you must editorialize in an attempt to “educate” your readers.

If you have read any of Mr. Gallegly’s statements regarding the actions of the Judiciary Committee, he has appropriately called for exercising restraint and for the courage of the committee to do its duty in reaching a decision on this very important national issue.

Mr. Gallegly is truly an honorable man--not a lawyer, by the way--and I believe he is doing the very best he can to be fair and objective--not just “toe the party line,” as you so odiously described it.



