
Service With a Crackle

Los Angeles artists Bonnie Paul and Nancy Goubran attach romantic print fabrics to a tray, then give it a crackled finish and a high gloss. The result is a striking antiqued tray big enough for a full dinner service. Paul and Goubran also give the same glamour treatment to lampshades, wastebaskets and other domestic utensils.

Fabric decoupage crackled trays, $200, from Pacific Oaks, Los Angeles, (310) 209-0110.

Calling Margarita

Trader Joe makes a good, reasonably priced margarita mix with fresh lime juice that should be able to handle any size cocktail party.

Fresh Margarita Mix, $3.69 a quart, from Trader Joe’s Markets.

A Pot to Grate In

Italian majolica ware, beautifully painted in rich colors, is wonderful stuff. Franco Mari Deruta’s majolica line includes this handsome pot for grated Parmesan, complete with a matching ceramic spoon.


Parmesan Pot, $85, available via mail order from The Clay Angel, Santa Fe, N.M., (888) 325-2552.
