
Free Screening Offered for Prostate Cancer

Free prostate cancer screening for men 40 and older is being offered this month at Los Angeles’ Western Medical Clinic, 4361 Western Ave.

Nearly 185,000 American men will be found to have prostate cancer this year, medical experts say. As many as 40,000 will die of the disease. African American men--with a prostate cancer rate twice as high as white men--will account for about 6,000 of those deaths.

“With early detection, nine of 10 men can be successfully treated for prostate cancer,” said Los Angeles physician Dr. Fred Parrott. “Yet thousands of men die needlessly every year, many of them too embarrassed to take a quick, painless examination that can spot the disease soon enough for a wide array of lifesaving treatment.”


Information and appointments: (213) 295-5446.
