
Falwell and Tinky

In a move usually reserved for absurdist theater, the good Rev. Jerry Falwell has decided that Teletubby Tinky Winky, seemingly male, dressed in purple and carrying a purse, is a gay role model (Morning Report, Feb. 11). He fears that Tinky Winky will confuse the formation of a child’s sexual identity.

Meanwhile, is Falwell at all concerned about GI Joe who, toting an assault rifle, has led generations of children into believing that killing a human being is just fine?

Never has the wild disparity of the religious right, which seems to fear consensual sex more than the taking of human life, been brought into sharper focus.



Los Angeles


Thanks to Falwell, I can now add Tinky Winky to the list of other gay role models that I must protect my son against, including Bert and Ernie, the Pillsbury Doughboy and, more subtly, that effeminate, leprechaun that does the Lucky Charms commercials.

I can only hope that Falwell will continue to expose such profound threats to our children, and then take time from his challenging work schedule to address such minor issues as child abuse, rampant violence and drug abuse among children.


San Diego


It’s good to see that Falwell finally has someone to pick on that is his intellectual equal. On second thought, I think the Teletubby has a slight edge.



Rowland Heights


My first impulse was to burst into uncontrolled giggling--until I realized that people little more rational than Falwell, people of the same mind-set as Falwell, have taken over the Republican Party and have attempted to oust my flawed but most excellent president.


Los Angeles
