
Jumping the Gun on the Millennium

Please let us not lose the 100th year of this century [“More Debate on the Millennium’s Start,” Letters, Jan. 20].

Just as a child is not 1 year old until it has lived (on its own) for one year or is not 10 until it has existed 10 years, or a decade. A decade includes the 10th year, a century includes the 100th year, and a millennium must include the 1,000th year and cannot end until the last day at midnight Dec. 31, 2000. And the next millennium cannot start until Jan. 1, 2001.

Moreover, this is the 99th year of this century and the 1,999th year of this millennium. Next year is the 2,000th year of this millennium, and we must complete that year before we can start a new millennium.


I hope this helps clear up some confusion, but I know the argument will continue into the next millennium--whenever that is.


