
Council Honors Boy Who Found, Returned Cash

The City Council has honored an 11-year-old boy who has a history of finding lost cash and turning it over to authorities or his parents.

The council awarded a certificate of recognition this week to Miguel Monroy, a sixth-grader at Gage Middle School in Huntington Park, who found $200 in an envelope on campus and turned it over to his principal.

The money was lost by the school’s nurse, who gave Monroy a $50 reward.

But Principal Joseph Caldera said Miguel has returned lost money before. Last year at Disneyland, Monroy found a wallet and gave it to Disney workers, who found the owner. A couple of months ago, while walking along Pacific Boulevard, Monroy found a bundle of $20 bills, which he turned over to his parents.


“The police chief wants him on the police force,” Caldera said.
