
Nader’s Lasting Role in U.S. Politics

Re “Sanctimony Is His Strong Suit,” Commentary, May 13: I would like to thank John Balzar, who put into words some of my anger and disgust with Ralph Nader. The only thing I would add to the list of damage Nader has done to the causes he claims to fight for are the over 100 judicial nominations for lifetime appointments to the federal courts, including the Supreme Court, President Bush will make. This should ensure that issues that Nader says he believes in--like the environment, workers rights, minority rights, consumer protection, etc.--will be set back 50 years, and all the progress we have made in these areas will be lost.

Twenty or 30 years from now, when we still have sitting federal judges installed by the man Nader put in the White House, our grandchildren will live with the full impact of Nader’s true legacy.

Thomas Patrick Joy

San Diego


The blameless Democrats continue to condemn Nader for their loss because, perhaps, it’s so much easier than producing a candidate who merits our votes. Al Gore bent over backward to pander to Miami Cubans and Christian fundamentalists who wouldn’t vote for him if he ran as a Republican, but he didn’t bother to make an appeal to people who would describe themselves as liberal. Gore can run again, and I won’t vote for him again.


Joel Mielke

San Diego
