
Holiday Closures


* Government: All city, county, state and federal offices are open.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 25, 2002 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday December 25, 2002 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 7 inches; 257 words Type of Material: Correction
Mail delivery -- A holiday-closure listing in some editions of the California section Tuesday incorrectly reported that mail will not be delivered Thursday. Mail delivery will resume Thursday after a day off for Christmas.

* Courts: All courthouses are open.

* Mail: Post offices will be open, and mail will be delivered.

* Banks: All banks will be open.

* Libraries: City and county libraries are open.

* Transportation: MTA bus and rail service, and Metrolink will follow regular schedules.


* Government: All city, county, state and federal offices are closed.

* Courts: All courthouses are closed.

* Mail: All post offices will be closed and no mail will be delivered.

* Banks: All banks will be closed.

* Libraries: City and county libraries are closed.

* Schools: Los Angeles Unified schools reopen Jan. 2 or Jan. 6, depending on the track. Single-track schools reopen Jan. 13.

* Trash: There will be no trash collection in the city of Los Angeles. If your trash is normally picked up Wednesday to Friday, pickup will be postponed one day.

* Transportation: MTA bus and rail service will follow Sunday schedules; there is no Metrolink service.
