
VENTURAArtist Who Created Mall Bus Station to...

From Times Staff Reports


Artist Who Created Mall Bus Station to Hold Talk

The city and a community arts group will host a free talk next week by New York artist Dennis Oppenheim, who created the new bus station at the Pacific View Mall.

Oppenheim will speak at 7 p.m. on June 11 at the Laurel Theatre, 1000 E. Main St. Topics will include his career development and his recent pieces.

The bus station is scheduled for a grand opening on June 12.



Aide to Gallegly Will Meet With Constituents

Terry Hiser, an aide to Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley), will hold office hours today at City Hall.


Constituents unable to travel to Gallegly’s district office in Oxnard are encouraged to visit from 9 to 10:30 a.m.

Fillmore City Hall is located in Central Park Plaza, 250 Central Ave. For more information, call Gallegly’s district office in Oxnard at 485-2300 or (800) 423-0023.



Food Bank Seeking Warehouse Volunteers

Food Share, the food bank for Ventura County, is seeking volunteers to help sort through a warehouse of food that will be distributed to the needy.


As part of National Hunger Awareness Day on Wednesday, Food Share is seeking extra hands for a food-sorting rally from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at its warehouse at 4156 South Bank Road in Oxnard.

To volunteer--or to donate canned goods, fresh produce or money--call 983-7100.
