
GOP Leaders Shrug Off Senator’s Remarks on Gay Sex

Times Staff Writer

Critics are hearing echoes of the Trent Lott furor this week in Sen. Rick Santorum’s comments that linked gay consensual sex with bigamy, polygamy, incest and adultery.

To which some prominent Republicans who have read Santorum’s words reply, in essence: What controversy?

Lott, a Mississippi Republican, was forced to step down as Senate Republican leader in December after he praised the 1948 presidential candidacy of Strom Thurmond, whose campaign advocated racial segregation. His comments, at Thurmond’s 100th birthday party, drew the wrath of President Bush and GOP senators -- despite Lott’s many apologies.


But Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican and a rising star in his party, has not been criticized by GOP leaders for his views on the legal and moral issues surrounding homosexuality. The White House has been largely silent.

Far from apologetic, Santorum has stood by his remarks, shrugging off calls from gay-rights advocates, some Democrats and other critics for him to quit the chairmanship of the Senate Republican Conference.

A few Republicans are criticizing the party’s third-ranking senator. Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-R.I.) said Wednesday that Santorum’s comments had hurt the party.


“It’s divisive language,” Chafee said, “and I don’t think that’s constructive.” The Log Cabin Republicans, an organization of Republican gays and lesbians, also sharply denounced Santorum’s statements.

But such opinions were not dominant within the GOP.

What distinguishes Santorum’s case from Lott’s is that a core group of Republicans appears to have no quarrel with what the Pennsylvanian said.

Prominent conservative organizations such as the Family Research Council and the Free Congress Foundation, among others, have risen to Santorum’s defense. Some even want him to expand on his views.


“In the way that Trent Lott crossed a certain line on race, I don’t know that he [Santorum] crossed that line” with the GOP leadership, said Michael Berkman, a political scientist at Pennsylvania State University. “This is how many of them feel.”

In an April 7 interview with Associated Press that was published this week, Santorum said: “I have no problem with homosexuality. I have a problem with homosexual acts.”

Discussing a Texas sodomy law under legal challenge before the U.S. Supreme Court, Santorum argued that the Constitution does not grant a right to privacy.

“And if the Supreme Court says that you have the right to [gay] consensual sex within your home,” Santorum said, “then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.”

Of polygamy, adultery and sodomy, he continued, “All of those things are antithetical to a healthy, stable, traditional family.”

And, he added, “that’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be.”


In response to critics who called his remarks polarizing and discriminatory, Santorum insisted that his comments came in the context of the case before the Supreme Court, Lawrence vs. Texas. He stressed that he believed in equality for all Americans and said that his statement should not be “misconstrued” as a comment on “individual lifestyles.”

Santorum, 44, a two-term senator who has expressed ambition to climb higher in the party, issued no further public statement on the matter Wednesday. A Roman Catholic, he is known as one of the Senate’s staunchest opponents of abortion and is a frequently outspoken advocate of Christian conservative views on social issues.

Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary, declined Wednesday to weigh in on the matter. “The president typically never does comment on anything involving a Supreme Court case, a Supreme Court ruling or a Supreme Court finding -- typically,” he said.

In a prepared statement released late Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) said: “Rick is a consistent voice for inclusion and compassion in the Republican Party and in the Senate, and to suggest otherwise is just politics.”

The assessments from Fleischer and Frist offered a sharp contrast to the controversy over Lott’s remarks. Fleischer, following Bush’s lead, criticized Lott’s comments praising Thurmond, who recently retired from the Senate. Frist was a leader in the insurrection that toppled Lott.

Santorum briefly challenged Frist for the majority leader’s post after Lott resigned, but fell in line behind him.


Santorum’s remarks drew condemnation and remorse from gay Republicans. Patrick Guerriero, executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, said he had met with Santorum on such issues as Bush’s legislative initiative to fight HIV and AIDS.

“We’ve actually had a strong working relationship with Rick Santorum and his office, which makes this issue all the more disappointing,” Guerriero said. But Santorum’s views, though sharply expressed, are not much different from those of some conservative legal advocates who have discussed the Texas sodomy case.

In a brief urging the Supreme Court to uphold the state law, Alabama Atty. Gen. William H. Pryor argued that enshrining a constitutional right that would protect gay sex “must logically extend to activities like prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography and even incest and pedophilia.” Bush recently nominated Pryor to be a federal appellate judge.

Another lawyer who has filed a brief backing the Texas law said Santorum had merely represented the views of many conservative legal advocates.

“In many ways I think he should be commended for speaking forthrightly on this issue,” said Herbert W. Titus, a Virginia attorney. “I think it’s a very crucial issue.”

Times staff writer Janet Hook contributed to this report.
