
Water Dust-Up: District Must Look at Waste

“Everyone Pays Price for Backroom Water Grab From Farmers,” the Imperial Irrigation District’s July 15 commentary over the ongoing dispute over Colorado River water, deserves a response. Through federal contracts, the right to use Colorado River water has long been recognized; however, wasting water and preventing others from using it is not. The Bureau of Reclamation has authority to see that the Imperial district and other water contractors do not waste waters of the Colorado.

In April 2003, a U.S. district court ordered the Bureau of Reclamation to conduct a meticulous review to determine Imperial Irrigation District’s “reasonable beneficial use.” This review found that the district was using more water than necessary to irrigate the crops it grows. The bureau’s analysis doesn’t question the type of crops grown; rather, it reveals that simple conservation measures can be taken to grow the same crops with less water. The July 3 determination is not final. The irrigation district has an opportunity to submit additional comments and data.

The commentary claims there is a conspiracy to steal water from the district, and that the Interior Department is a “misguided enforcer” of the conspiracy. This rhetoric does not help anyone in this issue, and the suggestion is simply false.


John Keys

Commissioner, Bureau

of Reclamation, Washington
