
At a Loss Over CEO Compensation

I accept, although I do not understand, that in the world of greed enough is never enough, but “Barbakow Quits as Tenet’s CEO” (May 28) stunned me.

In a country where so many people have no or little medical insurance, this man was paid $116 million for running a medical-care company at a loss.

Along with the $116 million comes an astonishing “retirement” package that we mere mortals can hardly imagine.


Not only does this seem to be ludicrous from a business point of view, but also raises the question of just how much profit is made from people’s sickness if a company can afford to pay one man such an egregious amount of money.

Perhaps it is time to take the profit from the “health industry.” Perhaps it is time to accept that the system we have is wasteful, encourages the avaricious, and is eventually destructive to the lives of the average American citizens.

For shame, Tenet, Mr. Barbakow and your ilk, for shame.

David Lewis

Studio City
